openFrameworksの開発者であるZachary Liebermanを招き、開発者自らopenFrameworksへの入門からハードウェアを用いたアプリケーションの制作までを解説します。
openFrameworks http://www.openframeworks.cc/
Zachary Lieberman & Collaborators http://www.thesystemis.com/
Lights on http://www.vimeo.com/4706049
Augmented Reality Magic 1.0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk1xjbA-ISE
参加者はプログラミングに対して基本的な理解があるものとします。(C++である必要はありません。Actionscript, JavaScript, Java/Processingなど)
openFrameworks is a C++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. openFrameworks provides tools for accessing and playing with different types of media and hardware devices. This intro workshop is designed to get new users up and running with openFrameworks so that they can begin hacking, prototyping and experimenting with the tools it provides.
Participants must have a some basic knowledge of programming (not necessarily C++, but languages such as ActionScript, JavaScript, or Java / Processing).
参加者はラップトップ(Windows、Mac OS X、Linux)を各自セットアップの上、持参してください。ワークショップの事前に詳細をお伝えいたします。
The advanced section of the workshop will look at "leaving the screen", and specifically how addons such as ofxOpenCv, ofxKinect / ofxOpenNI and firmata allow us to build and prototypes installations that move away from the screen and into physical space. We will also take a look at changes to the core of OF in the new 007 release, as well advanced topics such as shaders, 3D programming, and physics engines.
Participants should bring their laptop (Windows, Mac OS X or Linux) setup for openframeworks development. We will provide detailed instructions prior to the workshop.
Advanced section participants are advised to bring any of the following: a Kinect, an arduino and basic electronics and a camera. We will send a full hardware list out before the workshop and try to provide as much as we can.
受講料 | Beginner Section // HELLO WORLD ¥5,000 Advanced Section // GOODBYE SCREEN ¥5,000 |
受 付 | 先着順 各コース15名 |
お申込み方法 | event_ft5@rhizomatiks.com |
お問い合わせ | TEL : 03-5789-9929 | E-MAIL : event@rhizomatiks.com(担当:島、小島) |
会 場 |
リクルート メディアテクノロジーラボ 〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座7-2-6 リクルートアネックス1ビル B1F(Google Map→) |