Flying Tokyo #19 "Runtime-Compiled C++ Creative Coding with Cinder" feat.Simon Geilfus

May 15, 2016

Flying Tokyo #19 "Runtime-Compiled C++ Creative Coding with Cinder" feat.Simon Geilfus

In this time of "Flying Tokyo" organized by Daito Manabe, Rhizomatiks Research, we'll hold workshop to introduce "Dynamic Coding - live coding" by Simon Geilfus, Creative coder. This is Hands-on workshop to make further progress in common "live coding". The date will be on 15th (Sun) and 16th (Mon) of May, 2016.

OS must be OS X. You need to have an experience any one of these programs, openFrameworks/Cinder/C++. This workshop is basically conducted with English. This would be very valuable lecture with a small group of people by Simon who play an important role as Creative Coder in the world. You can apply for the workshop through the application form below.

Description: The workshop will be split in 3 parts; We'll start with an introduction to Cinder; a modern C++ library for creative coding. We'll see the differences and similarities between oF and Cinder in terms of syntax and project structure but also in terms of usage. From there we'll see how to improve your development workflow by using hot swapping and live-coding tools both for prototyping and production. The last part will be focused on practical examples showing the graphic api and features of Cinder, OpenGL and Glsl.

■Flying Tokyo #19 "Runtime-Compiled C++ Creative Coding with Cinder" feat.Simon Geilfus Day:2016/ 5/ 15(Sun)、16(Mon) Time:11:00~19:00 Capacity:15people Venue:Rhizomatiks(Ebisu, Tokyo) Fee:60,000yen( Requirements: OSX laptop and experience with openFrameworks (or Cinder), C++ and Github.